Complete Changelog LemmiLink

Updates and corrections :

  • 📅 April 12, 2024 :
    • Fixed problems with HTTPS on the links in the confirmation are not present in Chrome/Brave (mentioned by Florent).
    • Update the formula for the calculation of the prices for the pages positioned.
    • Improved UI/UX for pages indexed in truncating the URL.
    • District of all prices.
    • Fixed a bug with the input URL to remove the "https://" in too.
    • Correction of problems of reactivity of the modals on the small screens.
    • Issue reported by Jennifer on an error-checking site, solved by cleaning the cache.
  • 📅April 13, 2024 :
    • Launch an exclusive offer during the beta phase, with free access to about 100 sites.
  • 📅April 14, 2024 :
    • Fixed a bug preventing the payment with credits after applying a promo code (reassembled by Jennifer).
    • Adding the role "BetaTesteur" on Discord to improve traceability.
  • 📅April 15, 2024 :
    • Clarification on the icons on the interface (raised by LadyDeath).
    • Renewal of the API TinyMCE for editing articles (requested by Clément L).
  • 📅16 April 2024 :
    • Identification of problems with the filters TTF and prices on Chrome (mentioned by Clement L).
  • 📅17 April 2024 :
    • Deployment of improvements including an improved menu, discount direct filters, and various improvements to UI/UX.
  • 📅April 18, 2024 :
    • Reviews on the landing page and adjustments of the visual and text.
    • Discussion on the integration of user feedback in the feedback section of the site.
    • Preparation for the correction of typing errors and the improvement of the delivery of backlinks.
  • 📅21 April 2024 :
    • User request to view the keywords that are sold in their dashboard (suggested by Jennifer). ⌛
    • Correction to display the best performing sites (requested by JB). ⌛
  • 📅April 22, 2024 :
    • Implementation of a cache for the server queries to improve performance when scaling up.
    • E-mail Notification when an order is in production requested and implemented (requested by LadyDeath).
  • 📅April 23, 2024 :
    • Space improvements " Control process ", and setting up the cache for better performance.
  • 📅April 24, 2024 :
    • Migration to a more powerful server to handle the increase in traffic and data.
  • 📅April 25, 2024 :
    • Update the interface advertiser and removing the cache previously put in place after the evaluation of the performance.
  • 📅26-27 April 2024 :
    • Continuation of deployments and various improvements, including the management of the orders and notifications to publishers.
  • 📅April 28, 2024 :
    • New for the import in bulk via a file, Google Sheet to populate, and export in CSV format.
  • 📅April 29, 2024 :
    • Current deployment, new ! In your dashboard, find out the needs of our advertisers, with a potential future to add reactions to indicate the interest of the publishers for certain applications.
  • Thanks to Beta-Testers and all the users for their active involvement and their valuable input.
  • 📅29 Mai 2024 :
    • Améliorations de l’ajout en bulk : Ajoutez facilement plusieurs sites en une seule fois, encore plus facilement et plus performant, testé avec un lot de 1000 sites.
    • Liens portfolio : Idéal pour faciliter la vente en direct.
    • Système d’affiliation : Gagnez des commissions en recommandant nos services.
    • Responsive Design : Utilisation optimale sur tous les appareils.
    • Améliorations de l’UI/UX : Une interface plus intuitive et agréable à utiliser.
    • Création de besoins pour les annonceurs : Les annonceurs peuvent créer des besoins spécifiques et recevoir des offres directement de la part des éditeurs, qui peuvent ainsi répondre facilement et rapidement.
    • Améliorations de l’utilisation de TinyCME : Ajout de l’éditeur HTML/Markdown etc..
    • Fixe de divers Bug : Soumission du backlink par l’éditeurs plus efficace
    • Améliorations de la paginations : Plus ui/ux
    • Lancement de l’offre NinjaLinking : 3 Offres de disponible
    • Améliorations des formulaires pour les commandes : Achats Express & Ninja Linking => Possibilité de choisir plusieurs URL avec un compteur
  • 📅15 Juin 2024 :
    • Ajouter la possibilité (après commande) d’attribuer une commande à un projet ✔️
    • URL ne pas enlever les www. ✔️
    • Finir BO pour NinjaLinking (WIP) ✔️ (améliorer encore et encore)
    • Implémentation de la contre offre ✔️
    • Mail de contre offre refusé ✔️
    • Ajout colonne spot dans tableau dans mes commandes ✔️
    • Améliorations de tout tableau ✔️
    • Améliorations de la paginations : Affichage par 20-50-100 ✔️
    • Cas où c’est une commande où Lemmilink doit rédiger, permettre à l’annonceur d’accepter uniquement quand le texte est livré, et lui permettre de refuser l’offre à tout moment ✔️

Thank you to Beta-Tester

  • Florent
    • Has reported a problem of HTTPS on the links in the confirmation sent by e-mail that is not present in Chrome/Brave.
  • Jennifer
    • Has reported a problem in the verification of its sites.
    • Encountered a bug when attempting to pay with credits after applying a promo code.
  • LadyDeath
    • Clarified confusion about the icons used in the interface to the free sites.
    • Has requested the addition of a button to delete a campaign.
  • Clément L
    • Encountered problems when using the API TinyMCE for editing articles.
    • Reported issues with the filters TTF and prices on Chrome not working correctly.
  • JB
    • Gave feedback on the landing page, and suggested improvements for the separations between the screens.
    • Participated in discussions for the tests and was noted for his involvement in the returns.

Concluding remarks :

  • The collaborative approach between the users and the development team of LemmiLink has helped to evolve the platform, significantly improving the user experience and adding features that are key in direct response to feedback from users.

Future updates planned :

  • Development of the functionality of rental bonds.
  • Monitoring of the bonds sold to ensure their continued functionality.
  • Continuous improvement of the dashboard.